I first became conversant with the Shift through its mention in the Elias Material, the contemporary spiritual teachings that I personally find the most valuable. Ironically, I've only became interested in the Mayan prophecies this very year. A bit late, perhaps, but as a home-bred Suitheist I never considered the Mayan mythos particularly relevant to me. Now, I've become curious as to how the energy of this prophecy may intertwine with current events, so I will be following along, keeping track, & posting my insights as I come to them.
I should note, of course, that there have been many previous predictions of the end of the world, & obviously none of them panned out. There does seem to be a greater conglomeration of crises at this period in history than in the recent past: global warming, peak oil, the credit crisis & financial collapse, the solar maximum & gamma rays from the galactic core, to name a few. However, past occasions have seemed equally catastrophic to those caught up in them, so it is wise to keep a reasonably skeptical outlook & avoid a fanatical one.
So what does all this Shiftiness have to do with Suitheism? A few considerations:
- In all the versions I have seen so far, the main focus of the Shift is a spiritual transformation, a shift in consciousness. And a major facet of this -- perhaps the central one -- is that people will become more aware of themselves as creators of their own reality. Indeed, this is often interpreted as the individual identity being a manifestation or avatar of the Divine. While the Shift may not result in a New Age of global Suitheism, it will, if it occurs as scheduled, at least create an intellectual climate more germane to self-deification.
- An important aspect of the Shift is that, as a crux point in history, it offers us an opportunity to actively shape the future. Some of the sources I have seen, especially those associated with Mayan & other historical prophecies, speak of the upcoming changes as something that will happen to us, part of a predetermined planetary destiny. This mentality, I believe, should be resisted. If we are the source of our own reality, then we can choose what kind of new world we will create. A Suitheist will take an active approach toward making the Shift happen, & steering it in the direction of one's own values & desires.
- Another attitude which I consider less than desirable is the moralistic slant given by some pundits: "We've been bad, now we have to be good, or we will be punished." Ecology is a common focus of this viewpoint; humankind is accused of "destroying the Earth" and so forth, ad nauseam, while the Earth Mother wreaks wrathful vengeance at her dominatrix best. This sort of misanthropy is, to my mind, no better than the equivalent religious fundamentalist denunciations of "sinful mankind". Both cases play upon atavistic fears of purity violations. Gaia plays the role of fire-raining Jehovah.
I prefer a more level-headed approach to environmentalism, based upon good, hard science which seeks to understand & explain nature rather than personifying it with human emotions & motives -- especially projected self-hatred. Certainly, there will have to changes in how we collectively use & manage natural resources. But, as a worshipper of Self, I see no use for breast-beating, back-flogging, & a fashion trend for hair shirts.
- The best sources do not interpret this turn in history as "the end of the world", but simply a change -- perhaps a change so large that it would appear to be the end of things as we know it, but not an occasion for doom & gloom.
In short, in Suitheist terms, the Shift is our Shift. It is something we are making & doing. It does not belong to personified cosmic forces or mythic beings (although they are welcome to come along for the ride, as guests of our collective & individual imaginations). The question to ask is not: What is going to happen? or, What will the world become?, but: What do I want the world to be? Then, set about making it so.
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